With images of object, use simple shapes (ovals and rectangles) to recreate the shadow of the object.

A jug

A jug

I chose this jug as the object because its curves are easy to align with ovals and rectangles. The first image is the shadow of the jug created by painting the simple shapes black. The second image shows how the skeleton is constructed, and how the simple shapes form the object. The third image is the original picture of the jug.

A skeleton key

A skeleton key

This was the first assignment in the design class. Among all the images of skeleton keys, I chose this one key because its head is symmetric, very easy to fit the shapes in. The body and bottom parts consist mostly of straight lines, so I used rectangles, some with rounded corners, to fit those parts. The result didn’t turn out bad. The first image is the shadow of the key created by painting the simple shapes black. The second image shows how the skeleton is constructed, and how the simple shapes form the object. The third image is the original picture of the skeleton key.